Our lab uses physics-based simulations of RNA as a tool for studying RNA folding, structure, and function in order to better understand RNA’s unique biological roles as well as create improved tools for molecular diagnostics and bioengineering. 

We are located in the  “Advanced Computational/Visualization Center” (LSRB 2016)  in the newly constructed RNA Institute at UAlbany. This interdisciplinary hub contains state-of-the-art computational and experimental RNA research facilities. We actively collaborate with a diverse range of RNA researcher groups including bioanalytical and synthetic chemists, structural biologists, and bioengineers. Our lab’s research is carried out on our dedicated 600 core Xeon high-performance computing cluster augmented by GPU computing and 3D visualization facilities available for RNA Institute researchers as well as grant-funded access to national supercomputing resources such as XSEDE.


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